0207 100 4562
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    Conversion Optimisation

    Is your website working hard enough for you? We’ve got a proven track record at improving conversion rates across all kinds of site – turning more visitors into customers.

    We’re happy to make changes or just recommendations, whatever suits you. See below for examples:

    Conversion optimisation case study 1 – 300% increase

    • Site was converting at roughly 8 or 9% before we started work – some conversions worth 30-40k
    • We made gradual changes over a few months, improving calls to action and the site map to start
    • We also sped up the site, included industry accreditations, client logos and streamlined content
    • Conversion rate has been over 20% for three of the past four months – 27% at last count

    Conversion optimisation case study 2 – 400% increase

    • Client a London insolvency practitioner. Conversions are high value – some worth six figures
    • We changed the colour of the text and the calls to action and turned bullet points into ticks
    • We added industry accreditations, improved site speed and made one or two other minor changes
    • Changes to these pages were modest but conversion rate increased by roughly 400%

    Conversion optimisation case study 3 – 80% increase

    • Client in the HR sector. Existing site was converting at roughly 3.9% – average for sector
    • We rebuilt the site from scratch, improving the user journey, look and feel and calls to action
    • We also introduced a chat pop-up, testimonials and made content more conversion-friendly
    • Converting at 6-7% for past six months – over 1500 conversions from fewer than 25,000 visitors

    Conversion optimisation case study 4 – 220% increase

    • Client in IT support sector – wanted a revamp of landing pages, which were converting at 2.5%
    • Previous pages had too much info and too many calls to action – creating a paralysis of choice
    • We trimmed the content down, focusing on the key messages and removed weaker calls to action
    • We also made some aesthetic changes and conversion rate more than doubled to over 5%

    Looking for more info? Say no more – we go into more detail on this blog. There’s another one here too.

    Alternatively, feel free to give us a call on 0207 100 4562 at any stage if you fancy a no-obligation chat.

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