Imagine if you will two shops. They are next to each other – in a port. It’s not that busy but ships can come in from any corner of the earth. At any time.
Shopkeeper number one has a friend who works in the port so he knows in advance how many passengers are on board each ship, when they arrive, where they come from, what language they speak and why they came.
Shopkeeper number two doesn’t. I’ll skip the rest but suffice to say it doesn’t end well for him.
It helps to have friends. Fortunately for you, your business has a friend who can do all this and much more for you. It is called Google Analytics.
Google Analytics can tell you how often people go to your website, when they visit, how many pages they look at and how long they stay.
It can tell you where they are from, whether they are using a mobile, tablet or PC and which words they tap into Google to get there.
It can tell you which convert into customers, which don’t and how their behaviour changes over time. And so much more.
Using Google Analytics to increase your customer base
Let’s say you work for an electrical store. Are people more likely to tap “colour television” or “colour tv” into a search engine? I don’t know – but Google Analytics does. And that knowledge is power.
Your shop might appear on page one of Google for “20-inch colour televisions in south east London”. That is all well and good – but your analytics might tell you people only search for that phrase once in a blue moon. So it rarely matters.

Anything less than 20 inches just didn’t cut the mustard with Sandra
To your horror, you might then find you are only on page five for “colour TVs London” – a much more common phrase that would be far more useful to you.
Analytics can also tell you how visitors travel through your site, which pages they stay to read and which they bounce away from.
You might also find out, for example, that a huge number of visitors tap “HDMI cable London” into Google and click through to your site but leave immediately.
It seems pretty obvious that people want to find out about HDMI cables but what you have on your site isn’t enough to keep any potential customers interested.
As a result you decide to tweak things. That fleeting reference to HDMI cables isn’t enough – let’s devote a whole page to them shall we? Suddenly your sales go through the roof. You get the idea.
Put simply: The more you can adapt your web presence to take into account the trends of your customers, the more customers you are likely to attract. And Google Analytics can tell you anything and everything about your potential customers. So use it.
For more details, drop us an email on – we’d be happy to give you some free advice.